Change Log

3.2.0 - 2024-06-27

3.1.0 - 2024-06-20 - 2019-04-17

3.0.5 - 2019-01-14

  • Added /users endpoint

  • Updated customer schema (added customer info, transactions and decision creation date) in /users/me endpoint

  • Improved validation in /users/{id}/send-passcode endpoint for users without phone number

  • Set 15 days as default delivery date for all transactions

  • Improved checkout validation for payload with multiple items using the same SKU

3.0.4 - 2018-11-12

  • Fixed item and shipping cost amount formatting (dollar amount) in Users Details endpoint

  • Added decision.status field in GET /users/me response. The possible values are (approved, denied, pending and error). The fielddecision.approved is going to be deprecated in future versions.

  • Added support for transport all in endpoint POST /users/{userId}/send-passcode. It sends the passcode to all available transports for a customer

  • Added quantityByStatus support in GET /transactions and GET /transactions/{id} endpoint. It groups the item quantity by status for all items with the same sku in the order.

3.0.3 - 2018-10-31

  • Fixes in application/verification flow

  • Added support for pagination in transactions endpoint

  • Added query parameters to filter transactions by date

  • Optimized apply endpoint schema, fields like, are not required to create a customer application

  • Added support for creating a user without password. In this scenario a temporary password is created and an email is sent to the customer to provide a new password.

  • Added support for confirming a shipment without tracking number

3.0.2 - 2018-10-18

  • Added support for sending customer data in checkout endpoint payload, allowing pre-populate customer info at Order Summary page

  • Fixed passcode expired error handling on apply endpoint

  • Fixed issue related to the customer verification process

  • Fixed error 500 http error showing for denied customers in users details endpoint

  • Added validation for monthlyIncome value in apply endpoint. Now monthlyIncome value should not be greater than $50000.

  • Removed bankName field form apply endpoint payload schema

3.0.1 - 2018-10-11

  • Introduced expectedPurchaseAmount field in apply endpoint

  • Introduced optInMarketIng option in apply endpoint

  • Changed discount sku field name to targetSku for better understanding. We still support sku field name.

Last updated